- 2024 Essay Topic
“With the changing demographics of our society, what unique challenges does your generation face in preserving and continuing the Italian traditions that your parents and grandparents cherish and have passed on to you? How would you address those challenges?”
- Claire Peiffer 2024
Essay written by Claire Peiffer Preserving Italian traditions and culture is vital in maintaining a connection with our roots and heritage. Traditions have been taught to subsequent generations in order to continue favored practices and unite families. However, new obstacles have arisen within recent decades which complicate the generational passing down of Italian custom. …
- Maria Kazlauski 2024
Essay written by Maria Kazlauski – Changing social demographics, such as marital status, migration, and education, present unique challenges for my generation. A collaborative effort and resourceful approach are crucial to address these challenges and ensure the successful preservation and transmission of cherished Italian practices. Arguably, marital status is the most crucial demographic factor that challenges may generation’s…
- Antonio Applauso 2024
Essay written by Antonio Applauso It’s January 6th and I jump out of bed, eager to see what gifts La Befana will bring. Much like the chocolates I received in the calza, every year, my Italian heritage is a gift, passed down to me by my parents, and to them by their parents. From the…
- Sophia Montcalmo 2024
Essay written by Sophia Montcalmo Tradition is something treasured by and passed through generations. Especially for families with strong cultural backgrounds that have traveled out of their country of origin, tradition has been a way of continuing the culture of their heritage. However, society is always changing socially, demographically, and economically, and with change can…
- Benjamin Carroll 2024
Essay written by Benjamin Carroll Growing up, family was everything. I learned the value of hardwork and loyalty. I attribute this to the close knit bond that my Grandmom has with her family. She is of Italian descent and all of my memories are of coming together for family dinner. She learned from her family…
- Madalyn ‘Maddie’ Caiazzo 2024
Family First by Madeleine “Maddie” Caiazzo My family loves to tell stories, especially ones of their childhood. My grandfather describes the small and compact tenements he grew up in with his family in New York City. My Aunt Cara boasts of all the delicious recipes my Great Aunt Marie and Great Aunt Lucy would cook,…
- 2023 Essay Topic
The essay topic was: “With each generation, elements of our traditional Italian heritage tend to fade due to neglect, heritage blending and other changes. Many families have traditions rooted in that Italian heritage. Based on your experience, which two traditions reflecting our heritage do you believe are most important to preserve and pass onto the…
- Brendan Elliott 2023
Preserving Heritage: The Importance of Homemade Italian Cuisine and Tight-Knit Family by Brendan Elliott With each passing generation, the elements of our traditional Italian heritage seem to fade away due to a lack of attention, heritage blending, and other societal changes. However, it is crucial that we preserve these traditions and pass them on to the…
- Isabella Dolores Keh 2023
There are two elements in my life that continue to keep me going, no matter what hardships come my way. Those two elements are food and dance, which are both deeply rooted in Italian culture and my family’s heritage. Italian lineage has a certain beauty and purpose that brings delight to the rest of the…
- 2022 Essay Topic
The 2022 essay topic was: “What parallels can you draw between the challenges faced by early Italian immigrants coming to the USA in the late 1800s/early 1900s and those faced by immigrants coming to the USA today? What lessons might be learned from the experiences of those early immigrants that could help today’s immigrants?”
- Ethan Zielinski 2022
A great Italian immigration ignited in the late 19th century due to the extreme amount of poverty in Southern Italy. Between 1880 and 1924, more than 4 million Italians fled to the United States in search of a more prosperous life. But even though in theory it made sense to come to the United States…
- Isabella Dolores Keh 2022
When looking back into our Italian ancestral history, we can uncover lessons to help us in our own difficulties. Italian immigrants in the late 1800s/early 1900s faced numerous hardships on their journey to the United States. While there are many distinctions between past Italian immigration patterns and immigration today, there are also many parallels between…
- Ingrid Lenzenweger 2022
Early Italian immigrants faced unique challenges that have carried on into modern-day immigration. We tend to hear the same phrases during conversations regarding newcomers to the US. Many people fear that immigrants will steal jobs, introduce crime, and/or bring unwanted change. These negative stereotypes and beliefs block some of the most rewarding elements of immigration:…
- Ashley Keister 2022
Italian immigration into the United States began around the 1880s, numbering approximately 300,000, and steadily rose through the late 19th and early 20th centuries, eventually coming to a taper around the 1920s by which time more than 4 million Italians had set out for a new life on American soil. Comprising more than 10 percent…
- Madelin McLean 2022
In researching the challenges of Italian immigrants of the late 1800s – early 1900s in comparison to today’s immigrants coming to the United States, the old adage, “The more things change, the more they stay the same” proves to be true. By the late 19th century, Italy was suffering from widespread poverty, social chaos, and…
- Brendan Elliott 2022
Comparing Harsh Working Conditions for Latin and Italian American Immigrants – Italian immigrants migrated to the United States en masse from the late 1800s until the 1920s. Despite the promise of prosperity in America, Italian immigrants faced significant challenges upon arrival to the nation. One of the most difficult challenges endured by Italians was poor…
- Gabriella Lasek 2021
Our Italian Heritage, Culture and Pride – In 1916, my great-great grandfather, Giovanni Amato, packed his suitcase with the few clothes he owned, stuffed his pockets with all the money that he had saved, kissed his dear mother goodbye, and boarded a ship for America…the land of opportunity. Giovanni had a dream like so many…
- Brendan Elliott 2021
Frances Xavier Cabrini, otherwise known as Mother Cabrini, was an Italian-American immigrant who dedicated her life to the assistance of other Italian-American newcomers who were undergoing the often-difficult experience of immigrating to the United States. Born in Italy, Cabrini founded a missionary with several other women. She was then directed by Pope Leo XIII in…
- Derek Caiazzo 2021
For thousands of years humankind has been fighting each other over race, rights, equality, and territory. Humans have been fighting against each other, instead of working together and fighting problems together. An example of this was the Christopher Columbus which recently had been torn down due to political views. Just like everything else in the…
- Marco Hague 2021
Why We Need “La Piazza di Luigi Russolo” Luigi Russolo, born in 1885 in Portogruaro, Italy, was a Futurist painter and musical innovator known for his integration of industrial noises as music. He is considered to be one of the first noise musicians ever and his work has influenced artists many years since his passing….
- Ashley R. Keister 2021
The removal of the Christopher Columbus statue sparks a new conversation about apotential replacement. As a future art student, I believe that art is one of the most influential partsof a culture, and the renaissance perfectly supports that. During the renaissance there were manygreat artists, inventors, philosophers, and so many more talented scholars, but one…
- Mia Lenzenweger 2021
Exploration can expand the human experience, but some are exploited in the process. However, a Jewish-Italian scientific explorer, Rita Levi-Montalcini made a discovery that positively impacted humans while also overcoming many obstacles throughout her life. I feel that she is a strong example of innovation, exploration, and resilience making her a wonderful representation of Italian…
- Maddi McLean
My Italian heritage has always been a great source of pride for my entire family. During my freshman year of high school, my family traveled across Italy learning the history behind some of the world’s most famous sites. This trip allowed me to connect with my Italian roots by creating memories that will last forever….
- Isabella D. Keh
Sometimes in life’s journey, roadblocks can make us feel defeated and want to give up. I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t working to become a professional dancer, and have faced many ups and downs along the way. I almost gave up until I was introduced to Misty Copeland. She is someone I look…
- Mia Lenzenweger
There are many Italian figures that are admirable and inspirational. Many of them have shown perseverance and strength in the face of adversity. A famous Italian painter, Artemisia Gentileschi, is the epitome of determination. She overcame trauma, sexism, and everyday struggles to become a notable artist. Artemisia turned these ugly experiences into amazing pieces of…
- Michaela Rusinko
Michelangelo, an Italian renaissance artist who was the creator of many beautiful pieces that are still of renown today, has further inspired my interest in illustration and in anatomy. Michelangelo developed his artistry and skills first through becoming an apprentice of another artist. He also had the opportunity to experiment with many different types of…