From the Desk of Foundation President, Paul R. Rao PhD 2022 Scholarship Update: The little Italy Lodge Scholarship Foundation Board of Directors has approved the following: The Scholarship Foundation will offer 6 Scholarships totaling $33,000- three named scholarships for $6,000 and 3 additional scholarships for $5,000. The 2022 Scholarship Application will be available...
From The Desk of Paul R. Rao PhD, President of The Little Italy Scholarship Foundation In Memoriam: Anthony Verdecchia: May our esteemed Little Italy Lodge Brother Rest In Peace. The Scholarship Foundation wishes to express its most sincere sympathy to the Verdecchia Famiglia over the sudden and horrible loss of Anthony “Tony” V. on November...
Call for A WebMaster: The Little Italy Foundation’s At Large Committee’s (ALC) Swiss Army Knife, aka Chris Pisano, who in 2019 designed and implemented our popular Foundation’s web site,, is stepping down as our webmaster and will be focusing on leading the scholarship evaluation committee. If you would like to be a part of…
Our Italian Heritage, Culture and Pride – In 1916, my great-great grandfather, Giovanni Amato, packed his suitcase with the few clothes he owned, stuffed his pockets with all the money that he had saved, kissed his dear mother goodbye, and boarded a ship for America…the land of opportunity. Giovanni had a dream like so many…
Frances Xavier Cabrini, otherwise known as Mother Cabrini, was an Italian-American immigrant who dedicated her life to the assistance of other Italian-American newcomers who were undergoing the often-difficult experience of immigrating to the United States. Born in Italy, Cabrini founded a missionary with several other women. She was then directed by Pope Leo XIII in…
For thousands of years humankind has been fighting each other over race, rights, equality, and territory. Humans have been fighting against each other, instead of working together and fighting problems together. An example of this was the Christopher Columbus which recently had been torn down due to political views. Just like everything else in the…
Why We Need “La Piazza di Luigi Russolo” Luigi Russolo, born in 1885 in Portogruaro, Italy, was a Futurist painter and musical innovator known for his integration of industrial noises as music. He is considered to be one of the first noise musicians ever and his work has influenced artists many years since his passing….
The removal of the Christopher Columbus statue sparks a new conversation about apotential replacement. As a future art student, I believe that art is one of the most influential partsof a culture, and the renaissance perfectly supports that. During the renaissance there were manygreat artists, inventors, philosophers, and so many more talented scholars, but one…
Exploration can expand the human experience, but some are exploited in the process. However, a Jewish-Italian scientific explorer, Rita Levi-Montalcini made a discovery that positively impacted humans while also overcoming many obstacles throughout her life. I feel that she is a strong example of innovation, exploration, and resilience making her a wonderful representation of Italian…
Well, we are certainly hoping and praying for a safe and Happy New Year. The Foundation is excited about its continued growth and our mission driven work to support the education of our Italian American community. We appreciate the consistent and generous support of the Little Italy Lodge members over the past 3 years of…